engagement guide

  • You can pick up to 2 locations, and have 2 outfits.

  • Engagement sessions last between 90 minutes to 2 hours depending if there is more than one location, and an outfit change.

  • We will start shooting roughly 2 hours before sunset. If it is cloudy and overcast that day, we will push shooting time up by 30 minutes. 

  • If it rains, or if you just desperately want sunset, shoot me an email, we will get you rescheduled as early as possible.

  • I will send you at least a dozen photographs within the first 48 hours so you can get your ‘Save the Date’ invites out asap!

  • The final gallery make take up to 3 weeks to complete.

the basics


brainstorming questions

What do you enjoy doing together? Cooking, playing board games, playing music, walking your dog?

Where did you get engaged? Let’s go to where it all began! 

Do you have a favorite place to go? Restaurant, bar, park?

view location list

my favorite place to photograph is your home

One last reminder: You can absolutely keep it simple. You do not need to have an extravagant session and come up with a super creative concept/plan. The reason I stress so much about location is because I don't want you to feel limited on where we can and cannot go. If you have another idea in mind, please hit me up about it!

If you live together, I always encourage an "in-home session". This is where the two o fyou spend the most time together and where you may be most comfortable.  I adore in-home sessions because it can make your engagement session entirely you. You can incorporate things you love to do together and even have your fur babies join in!

example one

example two

example three


The next most frequent question I get about the engagement session is,”What do we wear?!”. First and foremost, I want you to wear something that you would normally wear. Comfort is the number one key. I also do not want you to feel the need to go shopping for an engagement outfit, although please do if you want to!

If you are doing 2 outfits for your shoot, I always encourage couples to have one casual and one date night selection.Paragraph

outfit guidelines

Reach out to me via e-mail with photos or outfit ideas and I’m happy to give my input! I’ve been doing this for years and outfit planning is one of my favorite parts.

No shirts with graphic logos or images that cover the clear majority of the shirt. Some shirts have small logos on their breast pocket. Those are ok.

Do not wear athletic shoes unless you’re going for a workout type session because you two love to run.

Boys, leave the cargo shorts at home! Try to wear pants/jeans, but I understand if we are shooting in the July you’ll want to wear some shorts. Which is fine, I know some nice casual shorts exist for men!

Coordinate colors. DO NOT MATCH each other. This generally does not work out well in photos. It tends to seem more like sibling photos taken at Walmart than professional engagement photos, you know?

Do not mix patterns. I always encourage one person to have a pattern and the other to have a solid color that coordinates well with it. Do not both wear plaid or polka dots. Some men’s shirts have tight small patterns. Those tend to work well when their partner is wearing a larger pattern or solid colors.

Layer and accessorize it up! Don’t be afraid to add jewelry, vests, jackets, or belts to your outfit.

example five

example one

example two

example three

example four

Coordination is key. I always encourage couples to come up with a color scheme that coordinates well. I know that’s easier said than done, but the only way for me to advise this is to show examples of past couples who did this very well.

feeling stuck?

Try typing these key words in the search bar

Keep in mind that you should be coordinating with the season and location as well.This means no bright pastels in the middle of autumn and no loud and complicated patterns in front of busy backgrounds. 

pinterest can help too!

Engagement photo ideas + (fall, winter, spring, summer)
Engagement outfit ideas
Color coordination engagment photos

the vibes

Let’s get to the actual photos! Are we a bit nervous? Have you never had your photo taken professional before? Do you not know what to do with your hands? No worries, I’m here to help!

Whenever I photograph a couple, I have an imaginary gauge in my head of how much direction each one will need. Some need little to no direction while others need a lot and that is 100% ok. I always hope that by the end of your session, I have helped you gain the confidence you need to be comfortable in front of my camera and have fun while you’re doing it.

NOTE: I am not the kind of photographer that will pose you perfectly and then move on to the next pose. During our sessions we’ll use “prompts” instead. I’ll give you a direction and photograph the way you two interpret it because I want the photos to feel like you. You’re in love and that’s enough. I’m just here to show it off.

Have an idea for a photo? I’m all for it. You’re not going to “interrupt my creative flow” (yes, someone said this to me once) if you want to take a specific kind of photo.

When I put you in a position do not be afraid to move. I don’t want you to feel restricted and I encourage movement. If you want to snuggle up, dance, tickle, kiss, do so!

If I place you in a position that does not feel natural for the two of you, tell me! We can easily change it up.

PRO TIP: If you are including a puppy in your session, bring a family member or friend to help care for them as you take photos. And don’t forget the treats!

Be yourself and have fun! This is a judgment free zone, so don’t be afraid to be your unapologetic selves in front of me.

I talk a LOT during sessions, but if you find me saying nothing at all? It’s because you’re doing exactly what I want you to do. Sometimes it’s best to step back and let you two just be you.

Gentlemen, I’m warning you now. I will give you some crap during your session. ;D

see you ultra soon!

Just imagine you’re going on a date and I’m your paparazzi. No stress needed because you are going to slay this session.

One last thing! Check out our blog post for tips on how to make your engagement session entirely your own.

trust me. This is going to be fun.

read the blog post